piano tuner

The cruel weather on Saturday, April 23, 2011

It is a weekend of the cold rain getting off.

It attended the farewell party of the senior in the company.
He has been being taken an active part as a piano tuner for 43 years.
It seems to keep working retiring and independently in the future
as a tuner.It enlarged it ..a lot.., and because there was a photograph
in which it took a picture of the appearance
to work of him by chance before, the frame was decorated and
it presented it. Man who attained one work feels quiet dignity of
a man.It was the tiredness externals for a long time.

Slovakia glass

Friday, April 22, 2011 rain

After it operates, the passage of 761 days is energetic.

A gorgeous wineglass made by Slovakia was obtained.
And, it is a sushi dinner today in more gorgeous than usual. We felt that it is much more delicious only by changing the wineglass. It is luxurious small we of married couples.