Thunderbirds Are Go!!

 May 19, 2013 (Sunday) fine

Today is my 57th birthday.
My second son gave Thunderbird 2 to birthday congratulation.
I am glad and have played in the yard.

Yearning as my child,
Thunderbird Are Go!! 


VOR of the runway 16R

May 18, 2013 (Saturday) fine

                                    I am a business trip at work in Narita.(Also today)
                                          I wanted to try photography of the place
and angle which are different in rare cases,
and photoed the body in front of landing near VOR of the runway 16R. 
 Yes ! quite a powerful photograph.


Doting parents ?

May 13, 2013 (Monday) fine

                               Please have a look! This photograph is the work
                        which my second son made from ice cream in an instant.
                                          He has a talent over a modeling work.
                         I regard him as his being genius --  is it a doting parents?