
October 30, 2011 (Sunday)

It did!
TQ unit was completed at last!
It is a cockpit process this year now. The target attained.

Sweet and soft !

October 30, 2011 (Sunday)

Also in the kitchen garden of my home, many vegetables
finished harvest. What it remained in is potatoes and
a Welsh onion. I harvested the sweet potato today.
The people who visited in my house were wholly surprised,
seeing the leaf of the sweet potato luxuriant to the limit of a field.
When many big potatoes could probably be very taken, I also expected.
Regrettable! Compared with a leaf and a vine, harvest is
condition merely like little and a photograph.
But it was a sweet and soft sweet potato!

Scale plate

October 17, 2011 (Monday)

I made the scale plate of TQ with the acrylic board.
I was poor at processing of a plastic plate, and failed
repeatedly until now. It is distorted strangely
, also when dividing when cutting, or heating and bending .
But it was able to do well this time.
The thickness of an acrylic board called 3-mm
thickness thinks that it was good.

Potter's wheel

October 23, 2011 (Sunday)

I made the trim handle of TQ.
Its original work Potter's wheel,
The cutting plate purchased in the 100-yen shop was attached,
and it deleted by the flea. Although not finished very much finely,
finally it deleted powerfully by Sander and took shape somehow.
I paste these three boards together and take out textures.

LED set up

October 16, 2011 (Sunday)

LED has been arranged to TQ unit.
18 LED is worked on 12V voltage.