He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11
739 days after it operates on fine on Sunday, April 10, 2011
The picture was drawn with the drawing software wear newly obtained. It is application software of watercolor. The mixing addition and subtraction of the color is not effective very well because there is originally no watercolor in good though it is quite interesting touch.
739 days after it operates on fine on Sunday, April 10, 2011
It is my treasure. It is an Airlines magazine in the 1950's. Age when airframe and speed of sound flight that silver color shines were special things. It designed, it adventured very much, and it was unique. It always heard of the adjustment sound of the jet plane from the Komaki airport in the Nagoya City Kita Ward on which I had lived. Yearning to the airplane was inevitable. Of course, the dream was a pilot of the jet fighter. It was thought that the control of the airplane was achieved only in the superman who had the extra capacity.
739 days after it operates on fine on Sunday, April 10
The ingredient of the vegetables and the wild grasses has become abundant in spring. It was a pasta dish that the wife made last night. We wish always to express our gratitude to the wife who variously devises it for me of the vegetarian. It is pasta of the avocado and garlic today. Marinade of radish and carrot. I suffered from pneumonia, and outed off form very much to tell the truth until yesterday. The condition is good and the appetite has boiled today though it was not able to be felt that it is delicious no matter what it eats, too. Wine after a long time was delicious in the usual bucket ..biting...
739 days after it operates on fine on Sunday, April 10
This is a stuffed animal of the bear that the second son valued since baby's time. Because the conduct oneself and man who had percussed it to him said that he wanted to bury it politely when disposing because he had fouled considerably, it buried it in the garden. This graveyard is a place where the cat and small birds are buried. Please sleep restfully with son's memories.
738 days after it operates on rain on Saturday, April 9
It became it during harvest season about the strawberry. Tochigi Prefecture where I live is special product ground of the strawberry. Especially, the kind "Tochiotome" takes pride in the brand of nationwide invincibility. It becomes very happy feelings solving ..big and red...